Children with FASD playing with sensory spaghetti


It’s well past time for UK policy makers to focus on FASD. It’s an area where political will and expertise can change the future for some of the country’s most vulnerable. And because FASD is preventable, action now can have significant impact on the future. Change is underway, but resources and profile are necessary to ensure this is  translated into action that leads to brighter tomorrows.

Click to read National FASD's statement on budget cuts - 19 March 2025

The National Organisation for FASD is increasingly alarmed that the futures of people with FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) are being put at greater risk by changing priorities and cuts in support proposed by the Government…The National Organisation for FASD urges the Government to uphold the necessary improvements in quality of care identified in the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Quality Standard 204 and the DHSC FASD Health Needs Assessment.

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