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National FASD is committed to sharing information and resources. Information is power! 

Don’t forget to check out our Easy Access/Easy Read Section as well.

Not Commissioned: Systemic confusion in NHS services for alcohol, pregnancy and FASD

A new report released on 9/9/2024 – International FASD Awareness day. A biennial progress report on NICE Quality Standard 204 based on Freedom of Information requests


What is FASD?

A quick, easy to print, 2-page overview of FASD with key quotes from relevant policy documents. 

The Time Is Now

Created with input from more than 60 experts & people with lived experience over 9 roundtable meetings, this outlines ideas for ramping up FASD prevention, diagnostic and support services and  provides ideas for how to operationalise the improvements called for by NICE, DHSC, SIGN and PHE/OHID.

FASD: Preferred UK Language Guide

Developed with Seashell as part of a DHSC grant and stakeholder input, this guide provides shame-free and blame-free language.

Best Practice in FASD Training

Developed with Seashell as part of a DHSC grant, this guide provides an overview of key points FASD trainings should cover.

FASD in Focus – Diagnosis & Assessment

This explains the new diagnostic terms and gives an overview fo the process.

FASD in Focus – Characteristics by Age

This gives a general overview of developmental stages, by Dr Carolyn Blackburn.

FASD in Focus - Education Profile

This provides a quick summary of the spiky educational profile of a student with FASD, by Dr Carolyn Blackburn.

FASD in Focus – Parenting

This gives a quick overview of parenting tips, by Dr Cassie Jackson.

FASD in Focus - Social Workers

Key things for social workers to know about FASD, by Joanna  Buckard.

FASD in Focus - Tips for Educators

A guide for educators about how to work with a student  with FASD, by Brian Roberts.

FASD in Focus – Sensory Integration

An  overview of sensory integration issues and FASD, by Jo Pennell, Consultant Occupational Therapist.

FASD and Trauma – Parenting Tips for Carers

Written by foster carers Sue and Tony Sharp and co-produced with the E. Herts and Area FASD Support Network, this 4-page guide available here provides some advice from those with lived experience on how to parent at the intersect of FASD and trauma.

Crisis of Commissioning

Based on Freedom of Information requests this report outlines how CCGs are failing to provide services for people with  FASD and for FASD prevention.

Recognising FASD Pamphlet (2020)

a new NICE Quality Standard on FASD is coming in England in January 2021. The NICE Quality Standard will be based on the Scottish SIGN 156 Guideline. This pamphlet summarises the diagnostic process in the SIGN guidance. 

Teaching a Student With FASD (2017)

an 8-page introduction to how to support someone with FASD in the classroom. Please note some of the resource links in this are now outdated. We will be revising this soon!

My Brain, Me and FASD

This booklet explains FASD to young people in a fun and engaging way (see also the video of this booklet).

Alcohol and Pregnancy: Information for Midwives

(Please note, this was created prior to the 2016 Chief Medical Officers guidance on alcohol in pregnancy. Any use of this book should include reference to the new guidance.)

Letter from One Birth Mum to another

A beautiful message of hope and support written by Jan Griffin (2020)

Hear Our Voices

FASD Stakeholders Share their Experiences with Policy Makers  (2018)– a  joint FASD UK Alliance and National FASD publication.

Parents Who Have FASD

A Discussion Paper (2017). highlights some of the available research about parents with FASD and includes perspectives from adults with FASD who are parents.

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