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Easy Reads

Check out our Easy Read/ Easy Access resources, and keep checking back – we’ll be adding more! #InformationIsPower

The Time is Now - Summary

Here is a summary of our new report – it gives ideas on how to improve services for people with FASD.

NICE Quality Standard on FASD - Summary

Find out how this important new policy document can help people with FASD

Department of Health FASD Health Needs Assessment - Summary

This shows how the new FASD Needs Assessment can help you. Also available in black and white here.

My Brain, Me and FASD

For young people with FASD. Hard copies available if you contact us.

Stay-at-Home Guide for Kids with FASD

Fun ideas for things to do at home

What You Can Do About Coronavirus

A guide for those with FASD

Policy Matters – CCGs and FASD

Introduction to Raja and Neil’s FASD Book Club, Prof Raja Mukheree and Dr Neil Aiton

Standardising the approach to FASD diagnosis, Prof Raja Mukherjee

The complex issues relating to alcohol and pregnancy, Dr Neil Aiton

Overview of FASD: How our Understanding of FASD Has Progressed, Dr Alan D. Price

How FASD presents across the lifespan, Prof Ana Hanlon-Dearman

Diagnosing FASD in context of overlapping presentations, Prof Raja Mukheree

The Complexity of Attachment Issues in FASD, with Helen Oakwater

Transition Into Adulthood & Avoiding Secondary Disabilities, Prof Raja Mukherjee

Conversations About Alcohol Use In Pregnancy, Anna Ferguson

Service Delivery: Organisation & Models of Care, Prof Raja Mukherjee

It Isn’t All About the Facial Features, Dr Miguel del Campo

Identifying the child with FASD in educational settings, Dr Carolyn Blackburn

The Role of Formal Psychometric Assessment in FASD, Dr Alexandra Carlisle and Dr Alexandra Livesey

How Does Alcohol Affect the Developing Fetus? Dr Neil Aiton

Is My Baby Affected? Assessment and Diagnosis at Birth and During Infancy, Dr Neil Aiton

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