Woman speaking in Parliament

FASD and you

Many people have FASD but most adults haven’t been diagnosed

FASD stands for:





National FASD icon Foetus + beer bottle

FASD happens sometimes when someone is exposed to alcohol before they were born, when they are still inside the womb.

The developing baby’s brain and body can be affected.

National FASD icon happy face

FASD lasts a lifetime but there are ways to make life easier.

If someone has FASD it means their brain processes things differently. Some things other people do might be harder for someone with FASD.

  • Following instructions
  • Keeping friends
  • Doing schoolwork
  • Staying still
  • Keeping calm
  • Staying safe
  • Keeping a job
  • Being in crowds or noisy places
  • Coping with some smells, foods, textures


These all can be harder for someone with FASD. But with the right support and understanding of FASD, people with FASD can shine.

People with FASD also have many strengths.

  • Friendly
  • Creative
  • Loyal
  • Musical
  • Athletic
  • Artistic
  • Loving
  • Determined
  • Willing to keep trying

These are just a few of the many strengths people with FASD have.

Once you and the people around you understand your brain and how it works, there are lots of coping strategies that can help.

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