National FASD is Co-Sponsoring FASD in the UK, 2023!

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National FASD is excited to announce that this March, we’re co-sponsoring the “FASD in the UK” conference, alongside The University of Salford, FASD Greater Manchester and NHS Greater Manchester. This year’s theme is ‘FASD in the UK: Building on 20 Years of Progress’. We are especially excited to be taking part in this conference as 2023 is National FASD’s 20th anniversary year (we have more planned about this – watch this space!).


The 1-day conference, to be held on the 30th March at the Chapman Building on the University of Salford’s Peel Park Campus, will celebrate the progress made in the FASD field in the UK over the last 20 years and look forward toward the future. About 250 will be there, join us!

The conference is aimed at anyone with an interest in FASD, including policy makers, clinicians, researchers, practitioners, as well as those who support and care for people with FASD, and will delve into current research and policy & practice.


“We’re so proud to be co-sponsoring this event with The University of Salford, FASD GM and NHS Greater Manchester. The FASD community in the UK has seen so much progress over the last few decades, and even the last year! We can’t wait to catch up with old friends and meet new people as we help further our collective aims around FASD. We are especially looking forward to helping people with FASD raise their voices and tell the world how they’d like to be treated through a new UK FASD Manifesto and by working with other FASD UK Alliance groups to showcase progress needed on FASD care management plans. We will feature our Me and My FASD resources in one of the breakout sessions as well.” – Sandy Butcher, Chief Executive, National FASD


Outline of the day


The day will be chaired by Prof Penny Cook and Prof Moira Plant, two leading experts who have had great impact in the national dialogue about FASD.

Sandy speaking at the 2019 conference

Plenary Talks:

  • FASD in the UK: Where we’ve been and what’s changing, from Prof Raja Mukherjee
  • How we want to be treated – UK FASD manifesto from people with FASD
  • FASD care management plans – featuring FASD UK Alliance groups and input from individuals and families affected by FASD
  • Photo-based exploration of living with FASD, from Miranda Eodanable
  • An update on the NICE Quality Standard from Iain Armstrong of the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities
  • Implications of FASD for Criminal Justice, from David Gilbert
  • A ’round robin’ session on research and innovation in prevention, diagnosis and support from leading experts Dr Mike Suttie, Dr Alan Price, Roisin Reynolds and Rachael Nielsen (NHS GM).
  • Final Keynote from Dr Cheryl McQuire “FASD in the UK: Where we’re going”

Breakout sessions:

  • 3D imaging practical session (Dr Mike Suttie)
  • Helping someone to understand their diagnosis: Me and My FASD (Brian Roberts and others from National FASD)
  • Emerging clinical pathways (Prof Raja Mukherjee and Mandy Craig)
  • Training the workforce (Dr Jen Shields and Dr Neil Aiton)

The day promises to be informative and inspiring.

You can get your tickets now by using the button at the bottom of this blog post – but act now, they’re going quick!

The whole National FASD team will be there on the day, so make sure you drop by and say ‘hi’!


Poster submissions


If you are interested in presenting a poster about your research or innovative local support that you  might be providing please submit a 300-word structured abstract (to include title, background, method findings) and include affiliations of all authors.  

Closing date for Poster abstract submissions 28/01/2023

Details are available on the Eventbrite link provided.

If you have any questions in regard to posters, bookings or PO payments please email:


For updates about the event don’t forget to follow us @NationalFASD and The University of Salford @FASDSalford, @FASDGM, @Drymester_NHSGM and use the hashtag #SalfordFASD2023


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