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Inside the Second Me & My FASD Club Mailing

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We’re so excited to be shipping off the latest editions of our Me & My FASD Club Packs to people with FASD and their loved ones all over the UK. The packs include copies of the Living FASD magazine, which is now on its second edition, and we’re delighted to see how much of a difference it makes to people with FASD.

Each copy of the magazine is loaded with stories about awesome people with FASD doing amazing things, including singing, dancing, playing sports, riding horses, learning new skills, or even just being kind and good to others.


Before we released the first and second editions of the Living FASD magazine, we trialled a test version with more than 300 families with lived experience of FASD, and the feedback we received was touching.


“Knowing I’m not alone. Knowing there are other children too.”

“As soon as we cracked open the magazine and started talking about real people with FASD, what might help them, what the similarities and differences are for him and them, then him and his friends, he really opened up.”

“It is so empowering to see people with FASD in a positive light. It has really helped our little man”

Me & My FASD Club Packs and Living FASD 1.2


Families across the UK are now receiving their latest Me & My FASD Club packs including the second edition of the Living FASD magazine, which is packed with stories about young people with FASD doing awesome things, such as Lici and Rossi who performed singing solos in front of 10,000 people at this year’s Voice in A Million concert at Wembley!


Inside the magazine, there’s also loads of practical activities and strategies to help young people with FASD regulate themselves and understand their FASD. This edition focussed on helping them prepare for the summer term and all the changes that come with it.

There’s also a big feature about the new UK FASD Manifesto that National FASD created using the input of more than 60 people with FASD. 5 awesome young people with FASD unveiled the Manifesto at the FASD in the UK conference in Manchester this March.


It tells teachers, parents, healthcare professionals and anyone else in the lives of people with FASD how they would like to be treated, in their own words. Since it was unveiled, it was even presented to the Health Secretary by one of his constituents, Georgia, a young person with FASD!

As well as a copy of Living FASD 1.2, each pack also contains hard copies of the UK FASD Manifesto, an A4 summer planning calendar, an FASD poster featuring artwork by a young person with FASD, and a Me & My FASD fidget spinner!

A subscription to the Me & My FASD Club costs just £30 and includes 5 copies of the Living FASD magazine, all loaded with these kinds of fun information and resources. You can get yours now using the button below!


People with FASD are awesome!


People with FASD do incredible things every day, and we’d love to hear about them!

We’re always on the lookout for young people with FASD who’d like to have their awesome stories featured in the next edition of the Living FASD magazine. So, whether it’s performing in front of thousands like Lici and Rossi, playing sport, learning to tie their shoelaces, or even just being great every day, we want to hear about it!


The more information you can give us the better, and some pictures of your loved one in action would be great if possible! If you’d prefer to obscure your loved one’s identity in pictures, you can always take pictures from behind or with a face mask on.

Please feel free to be as creative as you’d like with your submissions too!

We can’t wait to hear from you.


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