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Innovation/Best Practice


The National Perspective on Ramping up FASD Prevention, Diagnosis and Support Services

About the roundtable series and this report

Nine remote meetings convened by the National FASD Experts Committee took place between December 2021 and March 2022. The 61 participants included paediatricians, psychiatrists, GPs, commissioners, public health experts, researchers and leaders from the Third Sector. Overall, 21 percent of the participants have lived experience with FASD as birth parents, adoptive parents and/ or as foster carers in addition to their relevant substantive and professional experience. (In individual meetings, typically 25% of attendees had lived experience.)

Participants took part in their individual capacities not as representatives of organisations or official bodies. They shared their insights and views on a range of topics that are key to joined-up thinking from a national perspective about how to ramp up FASD prevention, diagnosis and support services. There was no attempt to achieve consensus.  Participants were present in their personal capacities, and the meetings were held according to a non-attribution basis (Chatham House rules). 


Watch the YouTube livestream from our unveiling event at the National Liberal Club in London, March 2022!
The presentation slides are here if you’d like to follow along with the PDF.

Topics covered

This report summarises those meetings. It is based on chairs’ summaries that were prepared and circulated with participants after each meeting. We have included extensive quotes and paraphrasing purposefully, to convey the range of opinions and perspectives that were shared.  This report is designed to raise questions, not to provide answers. Further urgent work is needed.

Download THE TIME IS NOW report

Download THE TIME IS NOW easy-access summary

Read Dr Patricia Jackson's blog post about the importance of The Time Is Now

With thanks to The Sylvia Adams Charitable Trust for making this work possible

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